Ecodeco™ is an eco-friendly odor and migration-free material. Migration from a wallpaper is the transfer of chemical components from the wallpaper to the contacting objects or the indoor air. You can see an example of such migration in everyday life when oil from deep fried donuts is adsorbed by a napkin. Ecodeco™ contains no liquid components and is a migration-free product. This is also why it is an odor-free material.
The migration from the wallpaper can occur in two steps – first during production at high temperatures. It is known that up to 20% of PVC can evaporate during production. This requires sophisticated systems for the collection and incineration of fumes, however some of the fumes are absorbed into the wallpaper and delivered to the client. That is the reason of the smell from newly purchased wallpaper. Second migration step occurs in-house, after hanging wallpaper on the wall. While this migration is slower than during manufacturing, it nevertheless creates unpleasant odors.
The manufacturing process of EcodecoTM wallpaper is green and clean. The EcodecoTM material doesn’t contain liquid material and therefore there is no migration during production. In the production of EcodecoTM wallcovering we use only nature-friendly, safe and easily recyclable materials. The waste from the process can be easily recycled unlike the PVC waste. In addition, the specially developed EcodecoTM process is also more energy efficient and generates less waste than the production of PVC-based wallpaper.